Tuesday 10 July 2012

Allotment progress - one month

I think we have achieved our goals for the first month of the allotment. Obviously we can't spend all day there at the weekend as Harry and Peter just don't last that long (and there are lots of other things we like to do!) but we have managed a couple of 2-3 hour sessions and we have been going once or twice during the week to water in the greenhouse and do some light weeding (either me with the boys or one of us in the evening). The greenhouse has several tomato varieties, pepper and chilli plants and some cucumbers already growing.

Overall everything is looking much tidier. We sieved (much harder work than it sounds!) and raked the soil in one bed to plant some carrot seeds and we have also planted some squash seeds. We were just in time to get them in this year and it will be great if they grow.

We have built a support for the loganberry bush as lots of the branches were hanging on the ground with the weight of the fruit. Harry has enjoyed collecting and eating the ripe berries.

The cabbage seedlings we were given on our first weekend are doing well.

We are really enjoying the allotment time and I am very pleased that we took it on. We need to deal with the very weedy and grassy paths between the beds and the border and rebuild the raised beds as most of the wood is rotten and falling apart. These jobs will hopefully get done between now and October/November so we can make a plan for spring and prepare for a first full year. 

1 comment:

  1. Your allotment is really coming on now, what a difference a month makes. We're really looking forward to seeing it when we visit on the 21st/22nd, hoping to have a guided tour from Harry & Peter, the boys will love gathering in (& eating) the veggies & fruit when they're ready to harvest.

    Well done to you all

    love Mum x x
