Wednesday 29 January 2014

History timeline additions, human body activities and play

We had our group session with two other families yesterday morning. Firstly, our friends read their chapter continuing the group story we are writing. We also shared our history timeline contributions - we have sheets on Nelson Mandela, Machu Picchu and the Battle of Blenheim to add to our timeline, along with our sheet on the first moon landing. I still actually need to display the timeline at home and I am thinking where would be best for it. 

We also did some human body activities. We drew round one of the children on a large roll of paper and they each chose a mystery internal organ from a bag, then we discussed what it was and placed it on the body outline. These were the organ pictures we used, which I printed from the internet.

I read books to Peter and a couple of the other younger children while the others looked at a model brain and skull and talked about what the different parts of the brain do. Harry and Peter both brought their Lego sticker books to do at craft time, which is around the last 30 minutes of our 3 hour session.

We had a relaxed afternoon yesterday after our group session and a nice day full of play today. Peter has a cold and Harry is always tired on a Wednesday after his late Beavers and Gymnastics sessions on Monday and Tuesday.

We played an afternoon of post office games, as we found some leftover bits and pieces from a kit we had, including ink stamps, envelopes and stickers. We wrote several notes to each other and played at posting them, so this game involved some reading and writing practise for Harry! It turned into a game where we pretended to be Paddington Bear posting things to his Aunt Lucy. Harry and Peter have been listening to the Paddington stories, read very well by Stephen Fry.

We have built lots of Lego. Harry has many sets of Lego but most of them weren't built up so we sorted through everything and built all his police vehicles together. He is great at following the instructions, even on big models. Peter played with the things we had built and with his Duplo at the same time. It got very messy at one point but they did both help to clear all the pieces into the correct trays at the end of today.

Harry has also done Conquer Maths lessons on halves and rounding. Peter is enjoying playing an Alphablocks game on the Cbeebies iPad app, which has been good for his letter recognition.


  1. Ooo those body parts look fab! You'll have to tell me where you got them from!

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