Thursday 21 March 2013

Working together and reading update

I am trying to incorporate some specific time for Peter into our lives now with purposeful play sessions but obviously Harry is still working away too so I have included an update on his reading. 

Harry has been joining in with the purposeful play too as he is only just 5 so he still enjoys the activities we will be doing and it is important to me that they can get along well together. I don't want him to feel that his work means he is sat in the kitchen on his own while we play, as I think play is still a really important part of Harry's education too. It is great to see the different ways they use things. Harry often thinks of more creative ways to play with the same things as Peter.

Harry is making really good reading progress without any of the previous complaining about reading practice (probably because he is finding it easier). He is comfortably reading the level 4 Oxford Reading Tree books now so we will be starting level 5 next week. He is also trying to read non-book sources too, such as the information scrolling across the radio and signs in streets, as well as instructions in his activity books/magazines. We have borrowed some Dr Seuss books from the library which he has found fun to read too. I am really pleased that he seems to be enjoying it. 

We have also worked on 'th' words. There were many occasions where Harry would see 'th' at the start of a word and guess what it might be (usually incorrectly) instead of reading it. We used the stepping stone game again which we had used for learning number words and I was surprised that he knew them all immediately (I had assumed he had been struggling to differentiate them), so we had a chat about not being lazy and guessing instead of reading!

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