Monday 7 January 2013

Home education - our first day back

I have been willing time to slow down in the run up to today after having such a lovely relaxed Christmas period but here it is, the start of our first full week and, actually, we have had a lovely day! Today has been quite typical for a day we spend around home and this is what we got up to.

I thought it would be good to start with a new Five in a Row book today, as we always get on well with them and Harry enjoys the activities. We are rowing A New Coat for Anna - reading it every day and doing a different activity based on the themes of the book - I will blog all of the activities we have done at the end of the week in one post.

Then we made some bunting for the playroom. I am not sure what has prompted it but Harry has been asking all weekend. He cut out triangles of coloured paper and we all helped to decorate them. Harry and I strung them up when Peter was having a nap and they have brightened up the playroom a great deal.

We have done a lot of reading today, as we always do when we spend a lot of time at home. Harry is enjoying reading to me at the moment and he read his Oxford Reading Tree book and (with help) Each Peach Pear Plum and parts of See Inside How Things Work.

Harry built a marble run that worked very well and they both played with the new 'proper' lego a lot. Peter seems to be very interested in the small lego men! During this playtime I took my chance to hang washing, prepare tea, vacuum and make flapjack. 

Harry prepared a bowl of different fruits for us all to share as a snack and brought lots of cushions for us to sit on.

We also walked to the supermarket for some shopping. Peter can get there pretty easily on foot now (although it took over an hour) and I am trying again this year to have a no-car day every week. It is quite difficult to do this with the variety of activities we take part in but we should be able to manage it almost every week. I find it forces us to slow down in pace if we are not using the car and, of course, it is healthier all round!

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