Monday 2 September 2013

Our completed summer reading challenge

Harry completed his summer reading challenge by reading six books borrowed from the library over the school summer holidays. We collected his last gift from the library on Friday when we returned the last two books and he will receive a certificate too. This was definitely a worthwhile activity for him, as he always enjoys a challenge and something to work towards. We visit the library regularly anyway but the challenge got me thinking more about books to borrow for Harry to read rather than just ones for me to read, although we will still be borrowing lots of those!

His last book was this one. He has always enjoyed non-fiction books and he did well with this, as there were some unfamiliar words he read easily, such as fleas, powder and injection. He said he liked reading the word x-ray too as he doesn't often see the letter x! 

I had promised I would buy Harry a new book when he completed the challenge so we also visited the bookshop and he chose a Lego story book which had two figures to act out the story. I was a bit dubious of his choice as I find 'novelty' books can have a badly written story which I don't enjoy reading but this one was actually quite good!

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